Monday 12 August 2024

Latest Developments

 Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone!

I just thought I'd keep you updated regarding the latest developments on this blog/ site.

Firstly, I am still busy with the Read Arabic in a Matter of Minutes Series.  You are probably aware that thus far 17 videos have been uploaded to our YouTube Channel in this playlist.  The aim is to upload at least one or two video lessons per week.  So, this week (probably today) the next video lesson will be uploaded in this series!  To view the Playlist, please visit: Read Arabic in a Matter of (3-5) Minutes

Secondly my aim is to complete the Enjoy Arabic Book One Videos as soon as possible, but those of you who are involved in video editing will know: it takes a lot of time!  So, please be patient!  Thus far there are 17 videos in this playlist as well.

Thirdly, I'm in the process of remastering the Speak Arabic Today Videos.  For those who don't know, I've prepared Six Lessons in this Series, which are available via the Speak Arabic Today blog.  Remember each of these lessons are divided in 5 parts, containing 20 words/ phrases/ sentences (totalling 100) each!  Thus far, I've made the first three of these lessons available via this blog in pdf format.  The process of remastering the Video Lessons is still ongoing.  Thus far parts One & Two of Lesson One are available.  You can go there via the PAGES, or click HERE.

In total there are currently 55 Video Lessons available via our At-Tayyibah School of Arabic Channel

Those of you (in Cape Town) who are eagerly awaiting physical classes, I'm hoping to start one soon, but I haven't finalized a venue yet.  Please make dua!

Shukran for your support!


Saturday 3 August 2024

New Read Arabic Programme!

Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone!

A little over a month ago we launched a New Programme: Read Arabic in a Matter of (3-5) Minutes!

Al-hamdu-lillah, thus far 15 of these short 3-5 minute Video Lessons are available via Our YouTube Channel: At-Tayyibah School of Arabic 

These lessons are primarily for those who want to learn to Read Arabic in general, as well as those who want to Read Al-Quran.  The big difference to the many other Read Arabic Programmes available is that most other programmes tend to teach the reading of all the letters of the Arabic Alphabet first, then they introduce Tajwid.  Most of these programmes do not attempt to teach the Arabic Language though, so they do not give translations of the words, nor do they give sentences.  On the other hand most the programmes and apps that do attempt to teach Arabic as a language, do not bother to teach the alphabet (or they do not do so in a systematic manner).  

These programmes mentioned above are fine for specific learners who only want to learn those specific skills, we however discovered that there are many people who cannot seem to learn much from them, therefore they still cannot read the Arabic Script or they read Al-Quran fluently (some with beautiful Tajwid), but they do not have much understanding of the Arabic Language.

Our Read Arabic in a Matter of (3-5) Minutes Programme differs from these in a number of respects:

1.  Letters are introduced 1 or 2 at a time.

2.  These letters are then used in meaningful words.

3.  These words are immediately used in a variety of short sentences in Arabic.

4.  The English Translations of all the words and sentences are given as they are introduced. 

5.  Although the Programme is not a dedicated Arabic Language programme and therefore does not introduce aspects of the Arabic Grammar, it does give the follower (student) a number of key aspects of the construction of the Arabic Language.  So the follower of these Video Lessons will directly learn to Read the Arabic Letters and Words, as well as a number of Arabic Sentences, and indirectly they will also get to understand a number of aspects related to the construction of the Arabic Language, which will benefit them in understanding Conversational Arabic, as well as Al-Quran (which is in fact a huge compilation of conversations and stories from Our Creator, Allah Almighty) .

So, the bottom line is:  These Video Lessons are primarily for those who want to learn to Read Arabic and Al-Quran, but they will also understand what they read, In-Sha-Allah!

To view the Introduction to Lesson One, please click the word: Introduction;

To view the 1st Session of Lesson One, click here: 001AiM

To view the entire playlist, click Read Arabic in a Matter of (3-5) Minutes.


Enjoy Arabic More!

Back to Video Productions!

 Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone! Yes, Al-hamdu-lillah, we're back with our Video Productions after a brief bout of flu, which kept me from b...